Category Archives: Updates

Question: Short Stories and a Ko-Fi

Hello Everyone!

I know I very rarely post on this blog, so I don’t ever expect people to actually read or pay attention to it. But I have noticed that there have been some views on older posts that had previously contained links to prompted short stories, and short story contest entries that are no longer valid. So I wanted to see if anyone was interested in seeing those short stories posted somewhere else. At this point I’m not sure I want to post them in a fully sharable form. So I’ll probably just post them on Patreon or Ko-Fi, so here’s a poll to gather interest:

And here’s a link to any of the platforms you can follow me on: Boredom And Words. The first short story would probably be up and ready by next weekend, depending on the results of this poll.

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Filed under Updates, Writing

Personal: March TBR, February Recap, and other Updates

Happy March!

I recently started a “Bookstagram” Account and honestly it is so fun! I definitely needed a new platform and outlet for my creativity. Between the pictures and the captions, this new Instagram account definitely has new opportunities for my brain to play around. There are all sorts of different challenges you could participate in and so many other community members to follow. It also gives me a new way to share and track my TBR list. If you would like to come follow me, click on the link in the Social Media sidebar.

For my March TBR, I’ve decided to take one more attack on my old February TBR before setting them aside for a while to try and match my mood. So for the first two weeks I’m going to continue with Iron King, Hunting Prince Dracula, A Gathering of Shadows, and Bloodwitch. Now, I know most people would say if you have to take a break from a book, it’s not a good book. But as someone with an anxiety disorder that makes it hard to focus on one specific thing over time, I feel like that is a lot of responsibility to put on a book. That being said, these books are still very good, but my brain just can’t hold on to them right now. So I’m going to give them one more shot before moving on to one of these beautiful collections that are calling to my attention.

This month is also the first month that I have gotten to play with my new Keys and Curios journal from Wizarding World Gold. So that will be another fun little thing to go back to periodically through out the month.

I’ve also started using my bullet journal daily this year, and may have to start incorporating that into my posts and stories. It has been a good way to keep track of my to do list and my TBR. It’s also been a tactile way to let my brain and my hands work out what they need. It’s made budgeting easier. It’s made time management sort of easier, my brain still has its own limitations.

Really, for me this whole month is probably going to be about getting back to my creativity. I always seem to lose it over winter. And with the loss of my creativity, my focus and my mood both fluctuate. This month I want to get back to me and stop trying to focus on other people’s opinions of me. This month is all about me and my needs.

(As always, look for this post image on my business pages for any updates on Paparazzi or Younique.)

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Filed under Books!, Paparazzi, Updates, Younique

Personal: February TBR/Monthly Update

Happy February!

Can you believe that it’s already the second month of 2020? A new month of a new year, and a new decade. Maybe your January didn’t kick off the year like you’d hoped. But who cares? Every month is a new opportunity to start your goals over. Every day is a new opportunity to start your goals over. Do I have a large list of things I didn’t accomplish this month? Yes. But were they essential? Not really. They didn’t impact my immediate health and well being, they didn’t impact my living situation, they really didn’t impact much at all. Does this mean that I’m not setting the right goals? Maybe. Or maybe it means that I’m setting exactly the right goals. Goals don’t have to always have to be working towards a long term change. Sometimes it’s okay to just work day by day.

That being said, I do have goals for the month, most of them are reading goals but some of them are not. For my reading goals, there are four series that I want to finish in the beginning of this year:

  1. The Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa
    1. January didn’t end as planned as far as this series was concerned. So I intend to finish Iron King by mid-February, and start Iron Daughter before the end. So far I’m 1/3 of the way through Iron King.
  2. Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco
    1. In January I finished my re-read of the first book in this series Stalking Jack the Ripper. So for this month I want to get at least halfway through Hunting Prince Dracula, hopefully I’ll finish it completely, but I’m aiming for halfway to be safe.
  3. Shades of Magic by V.E. Schwab
    1. In January I finished A Darker Shade of Magic and I hope to review it this month. While I’m reviewing the first one I hope to get to at least halfway through A Gathering of Shadows by the end of the month.
  4. The Witchlands by Susan Dennard
    1. As anyone who has seen my recent posts from last year knows; I went on a pretty big binge of Susan Dennard’s Witchland series over the summer. During those months I finished the first three parts of the series but I feel like I burned myself out, so I took a little bit of a break from Bloodwitch. So for this month I wanted to try and finish that in order to finish the latest piece of the series. (Sooz is currently writing more of the series so this isn’t the last book. Also, go check out my review for Truthwitch)

I definitely hope to finish these series by the end of the year, maybe even before June. But for now I’m just going to take it one day at a time. In addition to these reading goals I have some writing goals and money goals, but they are less concrete. I know I would like to edit one of the projects that I have started. But I also want to flesh out character cards for all of my projects and both are big undertakings so I don’t know which to start this month.

For money I know I would like to save double what I usually do for the month and I’m not sure if that’s possible. If I take advantage of the promotions this month for Younique or Paparazzi (check the links in the About Me for details) and hit the goals they set I could probably do it. But again, the goal is not concrete. Later today I will try and have fully updated pages. But for now, here are my goals for February, here’s to a productive month!

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Filed under Paparazzi, Personal, Updates, Younique

Updates: Blog and Life

For the past two weeks I have been meaning to post a September Recap and an October midmonth TBR but suddenly it is the last week of October and I definitely have not done that. I also haven’t made much progress on the TBR. So now I’m thinking that I will just hold off until the end of November to do a recap, and until then I’ll post my usual book reviews, product reviews, and project updates. Each month I’m going to announce what charity or cause I’m donating a part of my sales to on the main page. I’m going to keep updating each page as well.

Right now, I am planning on posting some new crate reviews soon. I’m probably going to try and post on every Saturday going forward (this goal may not be achieved once NaNoWriMo starts). But for now, the posts I’m planning are: Review: Capturing the Devil Hangover Crate by Faecrate, Review: October Break the Wheel Crate by Faecrate, Review: The Witchlands Series (To Date) by Susan Dennard + boxed set plug, Review: Stalking Jack the Ripper Series by Kerri Maniscalco + boxed set plug, Project Announcement: NaNoWriMo 2019. So keep an eye out for those soon.

On Sundays, I’m planning on posting the final recap for the three-month period, and business page updates on each business page (all links are in the bio.) This is also when I’ll update the Currently Reading page, the Writing Project page, and my Goodreads page. These are the goals I have for now. Again, we’ll see how well I keep these goals as I’ve not been very good at keeping my blog goals since class started.

As far as life updates go, I’m still working my way through my classes. We are over halfway through the courses and I’m honestly not sure how I feel about it. I’m definitely learning things, I’m just not sure how much of it I’m retaining based on the pacing and styles of the different courses. Although, I’ve never had a crush on a class before now, but I am absolutely LOVING this forensics class. It is everything I had wanted my degree to be, but it wasn’t. That’s about it for now. I’ll keep this updated as much as possible.

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Filed under Updates

Post Correction: Tor Books

In my previous post about Tor Books I stated that a book came out March 16th, 2019. This is incorrect. The book The Tesla Legacy was actually due to be published tomorrow March 12th 2019. The tweet confirming is quoted below.

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Filed under Books!, Updates

Discovery: Younique Make-up Company

Younique is a concierge make-up company kind of like Mary Kay or Pampered Chef in design. You have one seller that can do parties for you and explain products and the person hosting earns perks. The person selling can also recruit, which is how I started selling and why I’m writing this post.

One of my friends from high school started selling Younique on Facebook and my first thought was ‘Oh great, another person who’s going to bombard my feed with crap.’ But then I started watching her live videos and bought the make-up to support her. From there I was hooked. This is just as good as anything I’ve ever gotten from Sephora or CVS or any of the places that I’ve bought make-up from.

I will say it is closer to a Sephora price point, and maybe that’s not what most can afford. But it is totally worth the price.

So when I started buying from her I had just done it to support her because I already had a job and wasn’t looking for a new one or a new expense. But now, probably six months later, I’ve found myself buying the Presenter’s kit and coming on board as a seller. These things can be addicting but so far I’m not sorry that I’ve done it. I could use some extra cash, and I could also use some me time. This gives me both.

I have included my selling link on my about me page. I’ll include my selling link and my join link at the bottom of this post. But please know this will not change my blog. It will still be mostly book centric. I just wanna have a little fun.


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Filed under For sale, Updates, Web sites

Yet More Updates

I feel like I have a million posts titled Updates. But I’m constantly updating things and being creative with these titles just takes away from all of the other things that I’m doing.

As you can probably see there is a new page title up at the top called Currently Reading which is intended to be a more real time status update for what books I’m reading and what books I’m reviewing. It will have the book I am currently reading, my thoughts, and the most recent quote that has gotten stuck in my brain. It will also have the book I just finished, just the title unless I have comments that need to escape my brain. And finally it will have the book I’m reviewing, whether or not I will do a full review or just a tiny one on Goodreads, and what the progress of the review is.

So that’s the run down of the new page, now for the run down of what’s currently there. I just finished The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken and my brain is so full of nerd comments that I’m not even sure where to begin. I would like to do a full review on this book because it was just so good but if I don’t have the time or the second book ruins the vibe I’m feeling with this one. It’s such a good book, at least for me right now in my current state of mind.

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Filed under Books!, Updates

New year, new updates

So I’ve done a small overhaul of the website. I’ve updated all of the pages and added a new one. Please leave comments about whether or not the changes are something you like or dislike or if you have any suggestions.

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Filed under Updates

A short update:

To my regular readers:

Hello. So one of my classes has an option for bonus points involving a digital commonplace book. (More information here: How to Keep a Digital Commonplace). We could use whatever platform we chose for this digital commonplace book, including a WordPress blog. Since I already have this here, and since it already was a commonplace book of sorts, I decided to just add content to this instead of creating a whole new blog for it.

What this means:

  1. I will probably be posting more frequently. (Hopefully, once or twice a week at least.)
  2. It will probably not be completely book review related.
  3. It will probably not be only books.
  4. It will probably include new things like block quotes and other stuff that I have never actually bothered to figure out how to use.
  5. Comments will probably happen, and maybe even actual discussions. (Which I’m totally cool with.)

To my professor/classmates:

Hello. Commonplace only posts will be tagged with commonplace. They will be filed in that category. If you’re looking to see if I posted something specifically to that, there should be a search option for it. Feel free to ignore the other tabs, all posts should pop up on home. Feel free to ignore or explore my Goodreads and Twitter (adds and follows welcome). Feel free to ignore the comment section (shows up when you click on the post title), and the other random people who may show up on this blog. It doubles as a review blog for people who have sent me ARC’s and such. Which also means feel free to ignore the reviews that might be in between the commonplace posts. Also, please refrain from using last names or locations if you please as there are creepy people on the internet.

Your friendly blogger/classmate/student,


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Filed under commonplace, School, Updates

Book Reviews

So… college is a thing. Which means no posts, or books, or anything really. I have A BUNCH of wip reviews that I might finish if I have the down time. So… that’s what’s happening.

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Filed under Books!, Reviews, Updates