Tag Archives: nerdy

Selling Items

So I have been subscribed to Lootcrate for a while now and I’ve always been really satisfied with what they send. But this time I had forgotten to skip a month where I wasn’t super excited about what brands were included in the crate. There have obviously been other times where maybe all of the brands weren’t my favorite but then I’ve just kept what I didn’t want or given them away. But now I’m trying to de-clutter and no one I know will want these items so I was hoping to sell them.

The thing is I’m not really sure how to go about it. So I am asking for suggestions or interest. Would anyone here like to buy a few things from Lootcrate?

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Filed under For sale, Odds and Ends


It’s official I have changed the layout of my Amazing books page. It is now a list of all time favorites with a book of the month.

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Happy NaNovember

It’s the first day of NaNoWriMo who’s novelling right now? I would be, except I have homework. I hope your first day of NaNovember has gone better.

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Filed under NaNoWriMo

Count Down to NaNo

There are 5 hours until NaNoWriMo 2012 and I’m stuck doing physics homework. But that’s okay. I know I say this every time I do it, but I love NaNoWriMo. It’s totally awesome and insanely fun! If you don’t believe me you should try it! This is run by a non-profit organization, which runs solely on donations. So each year they ask for people to fundraise so that they can fund all of their other programs and programs for children. This year, for sponsorships they have a website where you can sign up for a funding page and have people donate to the organization.

I have a funding page, where you can sponsor me, and hopefully keep me going until I finish the 50k. Amy’s NaNo Funds The link there is to my funding page. I’ll also put a widget underneath this post so that you can donate there. The donations are tax-deductable, and can be made at my page, the NaNoWriMo site, or at the OLL Store where you can buy merchandise and still donate.


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Filed under Books!, Charity, Nerdfighteria, Web sites, Writing

Nerdfighters, Kelly Clarkson, and other stuff

Alright so I have not been very active in anything, whether it be this blog, the roleplay sites that I’m on, and tumblr. Well that is because I have been watching Vlogbrothers videos like a lot of them because there are 977 and I don’t even know how many of those I’ve watched… I think it’s at least a hundred or more. So that is what I’ve been doing and is what I will continue to do until I have watched them all. (I will post links to every single thing I talk about in the bottom of this post). Now the thing called Nerdfighters is basically a huge community of their fans which can be found in multiple ways. There’s youtube, the ning, and a whole bunch of other cool things. I absolutely love them and you should go watch videos because they are fun, granted watching all of them might be a little crazy so don’t do that unless you don’t like sleep or have an insane amount of time.

Alright so that is only one thing that I’ve been doing for the majority of the week is earning Kellebrities points. They are part of Kelly Clarkson’s new rewards system that will give you cool prizes and stuff. Which is awesome because I’m a HUGE fan and cannot afford awesome stuff after already buying all of her cds (which are also in the prizes). From this, I got the most amazing google chrome skin ever! Unless of course someone has one that features any of the things that are in the picture above my homepage.

As before I mentioned that I have other things to be doing, like roleplaying and tumbling (I don’t know if that’s a real word or not but I’m making it one so it is). All of the sites that I roleplay with are on the sidebar in little picture link things (the sites call them affs.). My tumblr is crazy so I wouldn’t really recommend looking at it unless you want to be drawn into my insanity. But if you do there’s a link in the links section of this post.

I also have books that I’m reading, and books I am writing with Camp NaNoWriMo, and grad. parties because I just graduated high school, and college stuff to do, and movies that I’ve seen, and other stuff like that. So yeah I’ve been busy, also there are charities that I’ve been trying to raise money for (unsuccessfully might I add).

That’s what I’ve been doing, and this post is very uninteresting and a huge block of text but I don’t really care because if you love me you’ll read it anyway. The aforementioned links are just below this sentence in a list, and have a wonderful rest of your day and hopefully you’ll see more posts if you care.


Also, since I have shoved so many different teasers about stuff I’m writing, if you want like a chapter posted as a post, I will consider it just comment on this and tell me that you would like to read something and then I’ll make a poll and put it in a post and you can vote on which you would like to read. But for now: comments make for a happy blogger so comment!

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Filed under Books!, Charity, Editing (because I couldn't spell the first time), Friends, Movies, music, Nerdfighteria, Rewriting, School, TV Shows, Updates, Web sites, Writing

The Raven Boys

Maggie Stiefvater has yet another book coming out, and yet another contest! I can’t wait! I love all of the books I’ve read of hers. Anyway, here’s the book trailer watch it!

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Filed under Books!, Give Aways, Web sites

Camp NaNoWriMo week One

Alright, so it’s already day five and I’m like way behind. Yeah this is how NaNo normally goes for me, maybe once we end school I’ll have more time. So I thought I’d give an update on here, because I haven’t in a while. It seems like I’m never on this anymore because I’m always on my tumblr. Honestly I would post more if people actually came to the site.  How about this, if you actually read this blog post a comment or like this post and I will continue to update this more often. If you don’t I will give you the link to my tumblr and you can find me on there.

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Filed under About, Web sites, Writing

Camp NaNoWriMo 2012

Hey so this year the people who host NaNoWriMo are doing Camp NaNowrimo again. This time they’re doing it in June (that’s 14 days away people) and August. It’s basically the same thing as NaNoWriMo, only this one doesn’t interfere with school nearly as much as the other one. Which is why I recommend that if you have ever felt the need to get a story out there, of some sort all you students do it for Camp. It’s still the basic 50,000 word novel in a month, though some people do edits of other novels in 30 days. Or if you’re doing it in August 31 days (that extra day WILL make all the difference). It doesn’t cost anything and it’s put on by the lovely people at the Office of Letters and Light, AND there are goodies that you win if you get the goal. This badge that I have:  is one of those incentives. But there are others.

This year I’m editing/rewriting a previous NaNo novel. Also, come donate to Office of Letters and Light (a completely non-profit organization), and sponsor me by going to this website: http://www.stayclassy.org/fundraise?fcid=199667

You can also find the link on my sponsor me badge my profile http://campnanowrimo.org/campers/booklover900 feel free to come join me!

Or you can got straight to http://www.campnanowrimo.org and sign up, or donate. If you do feel free to check out my story and message me if you need encouragement or a writing partner! Have fun, hope to see you joining me!

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Filed under Books!, Editing (because I couldn't spell the first time), Rewriting, Web sites, Writing

Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton

Blood Magic (Blood Journals, #1)Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was absolutely amazing! I loved it! Nicolas reminds me of Nikola Tesla from Sanctuary, purely because of the what he wears and the hair gel, and the flask. Though Tesla would have wine… But other than that, it was very good plot wise as well. I loved all of the twists and turns and the puzzle that was figuring out who was who and who did what. The way it’s written sort of just drags you into the story, and you want to find out what happened with Josephine and Phillip and then Silla’s dad and Nicolas’ mother. I particularly love the ending, not that I will actually give that away, but it was good, and there were lots of tears… but then again I’m overly sappy and cry at everything so take that as you will.

This is also, a book by one of Maggie Stiefvater’s critique partners, and I must say that her book blurb on the top is very accurate.

View all my reviews

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Filed under Books!

Sailor Moon

Alright so I’ve been seeing a lot of revamped Sailor Moon fan stuff lately and I was just curious. Is there a reason for this? Are they starting to show the series again? Or is it just because the Manga are being reprinted in the United States again? I know I just bought the new apparel that Hot Topic is selling like the hoodie that I’m wearing and the t-shirt I’m wearing.

So tell me: What’s with all the hype? and Does anyone know where I can get the series on DVD for the English Dub.? Links would be nice.

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