Category Archives: School

Linda Hutcheon, a criticism

While doing my homework for an English class, I came across this quote from the reading:

“Of course; a negative view of adaptation might simply be the product of thwarted expectations on the part of a fan desiring fidelity to a beloved text… If adaptations are… inferior and secondary creations, why then are they… increasing steadily in numbers?” –Beginning to Theorize Adaptation pg 4.

Hutcheon keeps, almost degrading, the amount that a fan wants the film adaptation to be like the original. But what I feel like she doesn’t understand is that yes, there are people who can sit there and name every tiny difference between the book and the novel. But there are also people who realize that yes the movie isn’t going to be exactly like the book, but it also shouldn’t completely change the plot devices or character traits either. There are lots of movies that completely change how the concepts in the book are perceived. So maybe we get a little bit caught up with how true to the book the movies are, but sometimes we have a good critical reasons behind it.

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Filed under commonplace, School

A short update:

To my regular readers:

Hello. So one of my classes has an option for bonus points involving a digital commonplace book. (More information here: How to Keep a Digital Commonplace). We could use whatever platform we chose for this digital commonplace book, including a WordPress blog. Since I already have this here, and since it already was a commonplace book of sorts, I decided to just add content to this instead of creating a whole new blog for it.

What this means:

  1. I will probably be posting more frequently. (Hopefully, once or twice a week at least.)
  2. It will probably not be completely book review related.
  3. It will probably not be only books.
  4. It will probably include new things like block quotes and other stuff that I have never actually bothered to figure out how to use.
  5. Comments will probably happen, and maybe even actual discussions. (Which I’m totally cool with.)

To my professor/classmates:

Hello. Commonplace only posts will be tagged with commonplace. They will be filed in that category. If you’re looking to see if I posted something specifically to that, there should be a search option for it. Feel free to ignore the other tabs, all posts should pop up on home. Feel free to ignore or explore my Goodreads and Twitter (adds and follows welcome). Feel free to ignore the comment section (shows up when you click on the post title), and the other random people who may show up on this blog. It doubles as a review blog for people who have sent me ARC’s and such. Which also means feel free to ignore the reviews that might be in between the commonplace posts. Also, please refrain from using last names or locations if you please as there are creepy people on the internet.

Your friendly blogger/classmate/student,


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Filed under commonplace, School, Updates

Nerdfighters, Kelly Clarkson, and other stuff

Alright so I have not been very active in anything, whether it be this blog, the roleplay sites that I’m on, and tumblr. Well that is because I have been watching Vlogbrothers videos like a lot of them because there are 977 and I don’t even know how many of those I’ve watched… I think it’s at least a hundred or more. So that is what I’ve been doing and is what I will continue to do until I have watched them all. (I will post links to every single thing I talk about in the bottom of this post). Now the thing called Nerdfighters is basically a huge community of their fans which can be found in multiple ways. There’s youtube, the ning, and a whole bunch of other cool things. I absolutely love them and you should go watch videos because they are fun, granted watching all of them might be a little crazy so don’t do that unless you don’t like sleep or have an insane amount of time.

Alright so that is only one thing that I’ve been doing for the majority of the week is earning Kellebrities points. They are part of Kelly Clarkson’s new rewards system that will give you cool prizes and stuff. Which is awesome because I’m a HUGE fan and cannot afford awesome stuff after already buying all of her cds (which are also in the prizes). From this, I got the most amazing google chrome skin ever! Unless of course someone has one that features any of the things that are in the picture above my homepage.

As before I mentioned that I have other things to be doing, like roleplaying and tumbling (I don’t know if that’s a real word or not but I’m making it one so it is). All of the sites that I roleplay with are on the sidebar in little picture link things (the sites call them affs.). My tumblr is crazy so I wouldn’t really recommend looking at it unless you want to be drawn into my insanity. But if you do there’s a link in the links section of this post.

I also have books that I’m reading, and books I am writing with Camp NaNoWriMo, and grad. parties because I just graduated high school, and college stuff to do, and movies that I’ve seen, and other stuff like that. So yeah I’ve been busy, also there are charities that I’ve been trying to raise money for (unsuccessfully might I add).

That’s what I’ve been doing, and this post is very uninteresting and a huge block of text but I don’t really care because if you love me you’ll read it anyway. The aforementioned links are just below this sentence in a list, and have a wonderful rest of your day and hopefully you’ll see more posts if you care.


Also, since I have shoved so many different teasers about stuff I’m writing, if you want like a chapter posted as a post, I will consider it just comment on this and tell me that you would like to read something and then I’ll make a poll and put it in a post and you can vote on which you would like to read. But for now: comments make for a happy blogger so comment!

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Filed under Books!, Charity, Editing (because I couldn't spell the first time), Friends, Movies, music, Nerdfighteria, Rewriting, School, TV Shows, Updates, Web sites, Writing


So this week and next week is pretty much all tests and midterms for me, and I must say,  so far they’ve been pretty boring and easy. With the exception of the Pre-calc midterm that I did without a calculator. But there is still the AP Chem test that I have to take so that should be interesting.

Other than that all I have is a contest for Figment which ends on the 25th. They are fun contests, you need an account to be able to participate and a few friends to read through your stuff and heart it for you. I find them fun and entertaining, if you go on the contests page you can go vote for some of them once you get an account.

Well back to studying for stuff that I don’t have to study for… Hm… I should probably go write my letter of meta-cognition… But first I’m going to self-lessly promote my roleplaying site that I’m on… go to the side column and click on the little picture with the WM on it… it should say War Mage when you click on it. It’s fun and Tamora Pierce-y

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Filed under School, Tests