Category Archives: Uncategorized

Prompted: WordPress Daily Writing Prompt Response

What books do you want to read?

So I finally looked at my WordPress Homepage in the backend view of my website (usually I go straight to page edits or stats), and came across this little Daily Writing Prompt feature. It looks like once you click on it it links your post to the prompt for other WordPress users to see.

There were a couple different prompts available but given that this blog is mainly a book blog, and that the Bookly App is having their HIIT Readathon this week, I chose this prompt to highlight my TBR for the Readathon. But first some background about the Readathon for those who may not be familiar with Bookly:

Bookly is a goal setting app for readers, to assist with recording reading times, notes and achieving goals. You can set different goals based on page count, book count, and time counts. Along with the goal setting, Bookly has some community building features in the app and on Instagram and Twitter, including reading challenges and giveaways. To help end the first month of the new year and going strong into the second Bookly started the HIIT Readathon on the 29th of January until Sunday, February 5th. This particular Readathon has three different prizes $25, $50 and $100, in order to qualify for the prize you have to read a minimum of 8 hours using the app. They even include stretch goals in the form of reading tiers: Power Starter (up to 8 hours), Speedster (8-15 hours), and Endurance Monster (15 hours+). As an added bonus, for anyone who completes the photo challenge on Instagram you’re entered to win a $15 voucher. Here is my first photo for the photo challenge:

My TBR for the Readathon is as follows:
  • Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson
    • This book is a marathon of a book, because I’m such a mood reader finishing long books is hard for me. So using Bookly I can pace out my reading so I don’t burn out on a long book like this.
  • The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
    • This book is one I started in October, because I was looking for a new version of a classic and this one seemed perfect.
  • Circe by Madeline Miller
    • This book has been my go to title to refresh my reading pallet. First person stories seem faster to read, and more easy to fall into during a slump.
  • We Can’t Keep Meeting Like This by Rachel Lynn Solomon
    • Well, it is almost Valentine’s Day, so why not add a romance I’ve been meaning to finish.

I find I can read for longer, and faster when I’m constantly switching books, and reading multiple different genres means I’m not stuck in the same world for too many hours.

If you were making the ideal fast paced TBR what would be on your list? Have you ever participated in the Bookly Readathons? Have you ever used one of these WordPress Prompts?

Boredom and Words of Nothingness

Linktree ($1/$5 from all tips or purchases will be donated to a charity announced at the end of each month)

Designed with WordPress

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Filed under Books!, Give Aways, Uncategorized

Book Blogging

Okay so I recently put my blog on a list of book bloggers, and honestly it’s pretty cool. So for the next few posts it’s going to be mostly book reviews. Right now I’m reading the first book that someone requested I write a review of, and so far I must say it’s really interesting. It’s called Blood Skies by Steven Montano. It sounds like something straight out of a Stargate show.  It is set up very interestingly so far. Granted, I’m still in the prologue but as of right now it’s following a disembodied entity that is observing an almost futuristic city. With the disembodied entity is another one, a female, and so far that’s it.

There was one quote though that I really liked, and will probably be in the full review later with this long description as to how it reminded me of Stargate and lots of nerdy stuff. Anyway, the book is really good so far. More of a review to come.

The Quote

“Her form corrodes, reforms, comes together once more in a shimmering rain that trails him like a spectral wake.”


Filed under Books!, Reviews, TV Shows, Uncategorized

I have yet to experience this but I know that one of my friend’s books is published through Amazon so I wonder if her book is going to be taken off….

Books: The Cheapest Vacation You Can Buy

I logged on to Goodreads today (my favorite book site of all time), and as I was perusing some of the books I’ve recently read in order to begin writing their reviews, I came across a startling notice about one of the books I just finished:

“This edition is in danger of being removed from Goodreads. Will you rescue it? learn more”

So, of course I wanted to learn more because I had no idea what was happening.  This is what I learned, word for word, from Goodreads:

“Dear ABookVacation,

At Goodreads, we make it a priority to use book information from the most reliable and open data sources, because it helps us build the best experience for our members. To that end, we’re making a major change.

On January 30, Goodreads will no longer display book information that comes from Amazon.

This includes data such as titles, author names, page…

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