Category Archives: commonplace

Sequel Concepts

If any of you keep up with the popular fandoms or Disney Channel you will probably know that both Harry Potter and Disney Channel have come up with an interesting new take on sequel formats. Now maybe this has been happening for a while, and maybe I just haven’t been aware of it. But I still find it intriguing.

For those who don’t really know what I’m talking about. Disney Channel and Melissa De la Cruz have come out with a brand new series talking about after the “happily ever after”. The series is called Descendants and it contains one book and one movie. Now, when I first saw the movie I thought that Disney Channel would do what it normally does with its television movies. I figured it would have an illustrated book with the exact same story that was told in the movie. But when I started reading the book I realized that the book happened long before the movie. Which makes the book a prequel to the movie.

But this isn’t the first multimedia series that has come to my attention this year. That would be Harry Potter. A few months ago, (or that’s what it felt like to me) J.K. Rowling announced that there would be a sequel to Harry Potter called A Cursed Child. Only this is not a book. This  sequel is a play that is currently only staged in London. There is no word yet as to whether or not it will be coming to America, but if it does, I would definitely be interested to see how it pans out.

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Filed under Books!, commonplace

Linda Hutcheon, a criticism

While doing my homework for an English class, I came across this quote from the reading:

“Of course; a negative view of adaptation might simply be the product of thwarted expectations on the part of a fan desiring fidelity to a beloved text… If adaptations are… inferior and secondary creations, why then are they… increasing steadily in numbers?” –Beginning to Theorize Adaptation pg 4.

Hutcheon keeps, almost degrading, the amount that a fan wants the film adaptation to be like the original. But what I feel like she doesn’t understand is that yes, there are people who can sit there and name every tiny difference between the book and the novel. But there are also people who realize that yes the movie isn’t going to be exactly like the book, but it also shouldn’t completely change the plot devices or character traits either. There are lots of movies that completely change how the concepts in the book are perceived. So maybe we get a little bit caught up with how true to the book the movies are, but sometimes we have a good critical reasons behind it.

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Filed under commonplace, School

A short update:

To my regular readers:

Hello. So one of my classes has an option for bonus points involving a digital commonplace book. (More information here: How to Keep a Digital Commonplace). We could use whatever platform we chose for this digital commonplace book, including a WordPress blog. Since I already have this here, and since it already was a commonplace book of sorts, I decided to just add content to this instead of creating a whole new blog for it.

What this means:

  1. I will probably be posting more frequently. (Hopefully, once or twice a week at least.)
  2. It will probably not be completely book review related.
  3. It will probably not be only books.
  4. It will probably include new things like block quotes and other stuff that I have never actually bothered to figure out how to use.
  5. Comments will probably happen, and maybe even actual discussions. (Which I’m totally cool with.)

To my professor/classmates:

Hello. Commonplace only posts will be tagged with commonplace. They will be filed in that category. If you’re looking to see if I posted something specifically to that, there should be a search option for it. Feel free to ignore the other tabs, all posts should pop up on home. Feel free to ignore or explore my Goodreads and Twitter (adds and follows welcome). Feel free to ignore the comment section (shows up when you click on the post title), and the other random people who may show up on this blog. It doubles as a review blog for people who have sent me ARC’s and such. Which also means feel free to ignore the reviews that might be in between the commonplace posts. Also, please refrain from using last names or locations if you please as there are creepy people on the internet.

Your friendly blogger/classmate/student,


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Filed under commonplace, School, Updates