Tag Archives: fanfiction

Writing Prompts

Okay so, I posted something about this on my writing blog but I figured I should post this here too. I’m super bored and would love writing prompts because the site I used to get mine from has been sort of lax with the prompt up keep. So if you can think of any prompts that would be fun or interesting it’d be cool if you submitted them to my Ask Box. The Ask Box can be found here.

If you wanna see the result of the prompt they’ll be posted here or here. Thanks! I’ll be around, probably posting a book review or two soon.

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Filed under Web sites, Writing

Writing Blog

Okay so I have been posting links to a few of my stories on figment and other things. Some people have actually been clicking on the links and reading them? I think? But I’ve been double posting them on here and on my tumblog, so if you want to get more of that, I will probably post more writing on my writing tumblog as opposed to on here. So:

My Figment: My Profile

My writing blog: Tessa’s Escape (this is named after a character of mine since it used to be an original character roleplaying blog. But it changed to a writing blog).

Those two places are the main two places where you will find my writing, and if you want to read more please go there because I might not always double post. The tumblog has fanfiction, figment stories, nanowrimo excerpts, and the ability to give me prompts and request stories on it through my ask. The figment will just have contest entries and any other piece of writing I feel like sharing with the public. This way, if you want to read more of anything you can contact me through the comments and my ask and not on here. (But you can also comment on the posts on here if you like).

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Filed under Editing (because I couldn't spell the first time), Rewriting, Updates, Web sites, Writing

Figment: Who Done It? Contest

So Figment.com has contests every once in a while, and sometimes I enter them just for the heck of it. This one was particularly fun because you needed to write an alibi for a fictitious murder that took place of an infamous editor. The contest ran until October 8th, and now voting runs until October 15th. Now I’m not saying that you should vote for me, because that would just feel like cheating. But if you go to this: http://figment.com/books/427340-I-Swear-it-Wasn-t-Me- link, you can get to my story, then if you click on the tag you can find the rest of the entries.

I highly recommend that you read them, they are really fantastic, and if you like writing you should sign up for an account on Figment, and feel free to follow me on there! You can only vote for the contestants by having a figment account and by hearting the stories. So if you just want to have an account so you can read and comment on awesome people’s writing I highly recommend you get an account for that as well. The people on this site are really fantastic.

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Filed under Web sites, Writing


So my friend has been ever so helpful in getting me hooked on yet ANOTHER tv show. This one? Sherlock. It is so amazing, even though I’ve only seen four of the six episodes. Yeah, well this is going to be interesting, now to watch the rest and wait for the new season. Yay sites that let me watch things at all hours of the night.

In other news, we have also been watching Sanctuary which is an amazing show as well, though it gets more hilarious and fanfiction worthy after you get to Nikola Tesla’s role in the show. Yes I said Nikola Tesla, who is played by the magnificent Jonathon Young, and is just awesome. But by all means don’t take my word for it you should go watch it for yourself and fall in love with Teslen like I did. (yes for those of you who know what that means, I do ship Teslen. I also ship Henry/Tesla though I ship Teslen more)

Well for now time to go back to puttering around on the internet. Those of you reading this go watch Sherlock or Sanctuary, and no like always I was not paid for promotion so get that out of your head right now. Hm… perhaps I shall also write fanfiction like my friend is currently doing…. yup sounds good to me….


Filed under TV Shows, Writing