Tag Archives: Monthly Updates

Personal: July Recap Part 1

So I always see people online talking about their favorites for the month. So I thought I’d take the time to write out a few of mine. I think at the end of this post I will also make an August To Try list and an August TBR. But maybe that will be a separate post. I haven’t decided yet. This might just be a summary of what I’ve used the most. It’ll be broken up into different parts.

Part 1: Books

  1. Dune by Frank Herbert
    1. The first one I started reading back in June, but continued reading in July, is Dune by Frank Herbert. I know that everyone is going to say that I’m only reading it because of the movie and that I’m not a real fan. But this book came out 31 years before I was born so I would say the fact that it has still captured my interest after all this time is quite a feat. If we’re being honest though, this book as been on my “To Read” list since I saw it on the shelves in my bookstore a few years back. But it was the movie that finally got me to read the book. It’s not that I didn’t want to read it before, I just was reading other things that my friends wanted to discuss at the time and that is really what drives me to read something or see something. I need someone to discuss things with. So that’s why Dune was book number 1 of the month.
    2. Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39970217-dune
  2. Truthwitch by Susan Dennard
    1. This book is the first book in the Witchlands series by Susan Dennard. While reading this book I achieved one of the fastest read times I’ve had in a really long time. If I had read this straight through, I could have finished it in less than 1 day. It’s also such a cool concept for a book. It’s got its own cool lore and plays off of the environmental witch type of magic set up but with a twist. It’s really quite interesting and I can’t wait to write a review for it. It also relates to book 3 of the month.
    2. Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25187640
  3. Windwitch by Susan Dennard
    1. This is the second book in the Witchlands series by Susan Dennard and I had only just started this book towards the end of July so it definitely is the first on my August TBR. So far it is a little slower than Truthwitch was. But it’s still keeping me captivated.
    2. Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29939390-windwitch

Part 2: Internet Shows/Adventures

  1. “A Hole in the Plan” Critical Role |Campaign 2, Episode 42: Geek and Sundry
    1. I have finally made it to episode 42 of Critical Role Campaign 2. This series is so good. You don’t really have to watch Campaign 1 in order to be invested in Campaign 2 but I would highly recommend both.  This is an online D&D Campaign that is live streamed. It features Matthew Mercer, Travis Willingham, Marisha Ray, Liam O’Brien, Sam Riegel, Laura Bailey, and Taliesin Jaffe. All of their characters are so easy to get attached to. They’re funny and interesting, moody and heartfelt. You grow with them as they go through each new task. It’s basically just like listening to an audio book but with the characters acting in real time. SPOILERS AHEAD:  In this current episode, they are with a band of pirates on a quest for a magical orb that grants special powers to its owner. It’s really interesting, it has spurred most of my other recent interests. From getting me hooked on Loot Crate, to introducing me to Tor Books, and even rekindling my interest in writing, reading, and blog posting. It’s really been a good creative boost for me.
    2. Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1tiwbzkOjQxD0jjAE7PsWoaCrs0EkBH2
  2. #TheLuminaries by Susan Dennard
    1. So this is a new thing for me at least, and I think for most of the internet. Susan Dennard is the author of the Witchlands series, and the Something Strange and Deadly series, and she has started a Twitter “Choose Your Own Adventure” for one of her books that she was going to publish. It is amazing. It’s such a good story, I’m invested. This story has me going back to Twitter everyday to check this thread. It’s so fun to see where it’s going to turn, to see what is going to divide our decisions. It’s so fun to interact with other fans, other participants, to read their comments and join discussions. It’s really such a good community. I love it so much.
    2. Link: https://twitter.com/stdennard/status/1135346704142819328

So this is Part 1 of my July recap. The rest will be in part 2 it’s just less organized and more of a Miscellaneous Stuff kind of post. So that will be Part 2. Then will come the August TBR/TTO List with products I want to try in August or things I’m going to read in August. This took way longer to write than I thought it would so everything’s behind. September’s will be much more put together. You can also expect more reviews from me in the near future assuming that the classes I’m taking again won’t interfere. See you soon for Part 2.

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Filed under Books!, Personal, Web sites

Selling: Younique Monthly Updates

Monthly Updates:

So I have decided to post once at the beginning of the month with an update on the Kudos, any new products, and any new deals. I’ll also post twice at the end of the month with a reminder about the deals so you can get them before the month runs out. All other posts will just be of me using the products whenever that actually happens.

Kudos are basically the Deal of the Month. Once the month is over that deal is gone. This month’s Kudos includes your choice of one of the 6 Moodstruck Addiction Pallets, one of the Splash liquid lipsticks, and one of the Epic Mascaras. Normally these products if you were to buy them in the same transaction would be $100, but for this month only they are $80. That’s a $20 or 20% discount.

Each individual item is still available to purchase separately if you don’t want all three things. Including the new Addiction Pallet which was just released today. This is the one pictured below. I personally LOVE this one. I believe I already have all of the colors in the moodstruck pressed shadow refills so if anyone wants to see anything on let me know and I can post pictures.

A new Presenter’s kit was also released this month. There’s the regular Presenter’s kit which is $99 and contains just a few items. Or there is the Presenter’s Deluxe kit which is $199 and contains just about every type of product we sell and will give you a wide range of testing material.

If you have any questions or want anymore information about extra discounts or deals let me know. Either comment on this post or message me.

My Store link:

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Addiction Pallet 6
April’s Kudos Bundle
Updated Presenter’s Kits

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Filed under Younique