Category Archives: Tests


So this week and next week is pretty much all tests and midterms for me, and I must say,  so far they’ve been pretty boring and easy. With the exception of the Pre-calc midterm that I did without a calculator. But there is still the AP Chem test that I have to take so that should be interesting.

Other than that all I have is a contest for Figment which ends on the 25th. They are fun contests, you need an account to be able to participate and a few friends to read through your stuff and heart it for you. I find them fun and entertaining, if you go on the contests page you can go vote for some of them once you get an account.

Well back to studying for stuff that I don’t have to study for… Hm… I should probably go write my letter of meta-cognition… But first I’m going to self-lessly promote my roleplaying site that I’m on… go to the side column and click on the little picture with the WM on it… it should say War Mage when you click on it. It’s fun and Tamora Pierce-y

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Filed under School, Tests