Tag Archives: suggestions

New year, new updates

So I’ve done a small overhaul of the website. I’ve updated all of the pages and added a new one. Please leave comments about whether or not the changes are something you like or dislike or if you have any suggestions.

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Filed under Updates

Computer problems

So my screen for my computer broke a while back and so I decided to cash in on the warranty which is due to expire in like a week. But it seems that my computer is too old to order parts, so they might have to junk it. Which means I lose literally everything on the computer unless I pay $100 to get it backed up and transferred. Remind me why I went to Best Buy?

Personal recommendation: Don’t go to Geek Squad unless you never want to see your computer again.

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Filed under Miscelanious

Camp NaNoWriMo week One

Alright, so it’s already day five and I’m like way behind. Yeah this is how NaNo normally goes for me, maybe once we end school I’ll have more time. So I thought I’d give an update on here, because I haven’t in a while. It seems like I’m never on this anymore because I’m always on my tumblr. Honestly I would post more if people actually came to the site.  How about this, if you actually read this blog post a comment or like this post and I will continue to update this more often. If you don’t I will give you the link to my tumblr and you can find me on there.

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Filed under About, Web sites, Writing

Camp NaNoWriMo 2012

Hey so this year the people who host NaNoWriMo are doing Camp NaNowrimo again. This time they’re doing it in June (that’s 14 days away people) and August. It’s basically the same thing as NaNoWriMo, only this one doesn’t interfere with school nearly as much as the other one. Which is why I recommend that if you have ever felt the need to get a story out there, of some sort all you students do it for Camp. It’s still the basic 50,000 word novel in a month, though some people do edits of other novels in 30 days. Or if you’re doing it in August 31 days (that extra day WILL make all the difference). It doesn’t cost anything and it’s put on by the lovely people at the Office of Letters and Light, AND there are goodies that you win if you get the goal. This badge that I have:  is one of those incentives. But there are others.

This year I’m editing/rewriting a previous NaNo novel. Also, come donate to Office of Letters and Light (a completely non-profit organization), and sponsor me by going to this website: http://www.stayclassy.org/fundraise?fcid=199667

You can also find the link on my sponsor me badge my profile http://campnanowrimo.org/campers/booklover900 feel free to come join me!

Or you can got straight to http://www.campnanowrimo.org and sign up, or donate. If you do feel free to check out my story and message me if you need encouragement or a writing partner! Have fun, hope to see you joining me!

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Filed under Books!, Editing (because I couldn't spell the first time), Rewriting, Web sites, Writing

TBR reading challenge

So there is this challenge on a really cool book blog I found, and since I’m going to be reading anyway I figured, why not enter? So what you need to do… you need to read a certain amount of books and review them and get points, and entries into a book contest… If you want to check it out, there is a widget that I think links to it on my sidebar.

The list of my “To Reads” is quite long but can be found here http://www.goodreads.com/tonks4life  but I will probably finish a lot during December so, I will have to post a TBR list later. So time to post this, link it up… and then put the widget in…

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Filed under Books!, Web sites

My goodreads account.

So it was pointed out to me that I didn’t have my goodreads set to public so who ever went to my profile page couldn’t see it. Well now that is fixed so feel free to click on the link and go get book recommendations from me. Yup! so here’s the link: http://www.goodreads.com/tonks4life sorry that that wasn’t working before.

You can get book recommendations and follow good authors or get book recommendations from the authors. You can also give book recommendations or you can make your own reviews and have your own book blog or review session…. or whatever. It’s more fun with friends too!

I was not paid for or made to give this advertisement and goodreads is a free site. So if you think this is done because I have to or is one of THOSE blogs, you’re wrong. I’m not trying to sell you anything, though if I were to try and sell you anything it would be this AWESOME glow in the dark nail polish that I’m wearing. It is from Hot Topic and can be found and ordered at http://www.hottopic.com and don’t worry about the fact that it says black light, it works in any light and when you turn the light off it actually glows. But it has to be charged kinda… well anyway. I’m getting off topic.


Filed under Books!, Web sites


Okay so I’ve been horribly neglecting this… Though I doubt anyone is following it so I don’t think it’ll matter that I post this. But I shall anyway. So lately I have been busy with school work and sleeping, and roleplaying. If I haven’t been working on AP Chem home work, I’ve been sleeping because I’m so exhausted from school and from this cold that I’ve had since last Thursday. I have just now posted on a role-playing site that I’m on for the first time in about three weeks. They must be so annoyed with me, but I just can’t do it that often anymore, I have no idea why I’m so tired.

We haven’t been very active and I think that’s because of school and because of other life stuff, but if you want to go to the site and check it out, the site is on my side bar, it is BV. This is a House of Night role play but we have strayed kind of far from the books. The site is http://www.dragoniv.com/bloodvow if the link on the side doesn’t work. And the rules and plot are clearly outlined in a board on the forum. If you have questions, comment here, or there’s a way to message an admin, or you could post in the chat box. Anyway, it’s really fun, and some people are posting.

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Filed under Web sites


So today was my first day of Senior year of highschool, and I must say that this will probably be the most boring year yet. I have like mostly English classes, really the only redeeming classes are AP Chem, and my chorus class. So, yeah other than that the past week has not been very inventive. Pottermore has yet to update its dueling thing, and book two isn’t out yet and probably won’t be until October when the site opens to the public.

Oh the other thing that school means, is that I don’t get to update this very much so the best you’re going to get is probably maybe once a month. Maybe one or two more when I have some free time. If you want anything specific answer or something comment here and I’ll do a answering post this Saturday.

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Filed under Miscelanious


So I just got my Pottermore Email, and I’ve made my way through the first chapter of the first book on Pottermore. It is really very interesting because some of the stuff that’s on there is interesting, and it made me have to go read the first book again. In re-reading the first book, I have discovered that Aunt Petunia is blonde. I know that I read the book before I saw the movie but the fact that they came out at the same time probably just made me think that she was brunette.

I have also started re-reading The Immortals Series by Tamora Pierce, and I noticed that Jonathan has a beard. I never noticed that before, and I never would have pictured him with a beard. So my question is, has this ever happened to anyone? Have you ever pictured a character one way, and then realized that that’s totally not how he or she is described? Comment with your answers, if you give a character name, title and author please? I’m always looking for good suggestions…

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Filed under Books!, Web sites