Tag Archives: friends

Nerdfighters, Kelly Clarkson, and other stuff

Alright so I have not been very active in anything, whether it be this blog, the roleplay sites that I’m on, and tumblr. Well that is because I have been watching Vlogbrothers videos like a lot of them because there are 977 and I don’t even know how many of those I’ve watched… I think it’s at least a hundred or more. So that is what I’ve been doing and is what I will continue to do until I have watched them all. (I will post links to every single thing I talk about in the bottom of this post). Now the thing called Nerdfighters is basically a huge community of their fans which can be found in multiple ways. There’s youtube, the ning, and a whole bunch of other cool things. I absolutely love them and you should go watch videos because they are fun, granted watching all of them might be a little crazy so don’t do that unless you don’t like sleep or have an insane amount of time.

Alright so that is only one thing that I’ve been doing for the majority of the week is earning Kellebrities points. They are part of Kelly Clarkson’s new rewards system that will give you cool prizes and stuff. Which is awesome because I’m a HUGE fan and cannot afford awesome stuff after already buying all of her cds (which are also in the prizes). From this, I got the most amazing google chrome skin ever! Unless of course someone has one that features any of the things that are in the picture above my homepage.

As before I mentioned that I have other things to be doing, like roleplaying and tumbling (I don’t know if that’s a real word or not but I’m making it one so it is). All of the sites that I roleplay with are on the sidebar in little picture link things (the sites call them affs.). My tumblr is crazy so I wouldn’t really recommend looking at it unless you want to be drawn into my insanity. But if you do there’s a link in the links section of this post.

I also have books that I’m reading, and books I am writing with Camp NaNoWriMo, and grad. parties because I just graduated high school, and college stuff to do, and movies that I’ve seen, and other stuff like that. So yeah I’ve been busy, also there are charities that I’ve been trying to raise money for (unsuccessfully might I add).

That’s what I’ve been doing, and this post is very uninteresting and a huge block of text but I don’t really care because if you love me you’ll read it anyway. The aforementioned links are just below this sentence in a list, and have a wonderful rest of your day and hopefully you’ll see more posts if you care.


Also, since I have shoved so many different teasers about stuff I’m writing, if you want like a chapter posted as a post, I will consider it just comment on this and tell me that you would like to read something and then I’ll make a poll and put it in a post and you can vote on which you would like to read. But for now: comments make for a happy blogger so comment!

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Filed under Books!, Charity, Editing (because I couldn't spell the first time), Friends, Movies, music, Nerdfighteria, Rewriting, School, TV Shows, Updates, Web sites, Writing


So I haven’t been updating this as frequently as I used to… Why you ask? Because I have been really busy, and my computer decided that I needed a new version of flash that IE 8 didn’t support. So in short, I’ve had to download a new browser, and the new flash, and learn how to use both… So yeah, it’s been an eventful week. I also, went swimming, though that didn’t last long because it was freezing in the pool, and I don’t like cold things. I am a summer girl, who prefers the 90 degree days as opposed to the 60 degree days of fall or below.

Other than that, I’ve been writing, and failing at writing and then deciding that my friend should just rewrite basically everything and then we can become co-writers. Which would be awesome!  That way we could both get paid for it (assuming anyone bought it), and we could both have claim to the money, but that would require a book first so… that has to happen, which means I need to stop writing this and maybe write that.

But I have also been reading a ton of books, so those have to make it onto here as well. So I am going to direct you to my Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/tonks4life there you will find my profile, and a link to my currently reading shelf… which should be self explanatory but if it’s not, you can find all of the books I’m currently reading on there. And I’ll cross post the reviews once I’m finished with the books. Alright that’s all I’ve got right now so get back to you later!!

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Filed under Miscelanious

Headaches, writing, and other fun stuffs

So I am sitting in my chair with the worst headache I’ve ever had, trying not to vomit and writing. Why am I telling you this? Because I needed something to make my brain work and this was the only thing that was working. I have to finish writing this current project before November, and it isn’t going too well. I have ideas for it, and I know where I’m going for it but finding time to write when I’m not busy, or sick, or doing something else that needs to get done is difficult.

So as of right now, I am struggling to write more with a pounding headache and I feel like I am producing some pretty weird shtuff. For example, I was talking to my friend and I came up with a new word. “Unobserveyness” is my new word that I shall use when I don’t notice something… yup. Well anyway, back to painfully trying to write and post and other fun stuffs like that.

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Filed under Writing

Our typical tuesday

Hey so I just finished up an awesome day with some of my awesome friends. We rolled coins and played Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and Rummy. The result was me losing both games…. and us making a really weird video for my friend’s vlog which can be found at the link below. I would recommend looking for the video I don’t exactly know when it will be posted but I think it should be posted by either today or thursday. This was a fun day of relaxing during my crazy Camp Nanowrimo and editting thing. Maybe I’ll get something done later, but as of right now I’m in a relaxing kind of mood.

Well that’s all I got for now… check back later for more


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Filed under Friends, Miscelanious