Tag Archives: editting


So I haven’t been updating this as frequently as I used to… Why you ask? Because I have been really busy, and my computer decided that I needed a new version of flash that IE 8 didn’t support. So in short, I’ve had to download a new browser, and the new flash, and learn how to use both… So yeah, it’s been an eventful week. I also, went swimming, though that didn’t last long because it was freezing in the pool, and I don’t like cold things. I am a summer girl, who prefers the 90 degree days as opposed to the 60 degree days of fall or below.

Other than that, I’ve been writing, and failing at writing and then deciding that my friend should just rewrite basically everything and then we can become co-writers. Which would be awesome!  That way we could both get paid for it (assuming anyone bought it), and we could both have claim to the money, but that would require a book first so… that has to happen, which means I need to stop writing this and maybe write that.

But I have also been reading a ton of books, so those have to make it onto here as well. So I am going to direct you to my Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/tonks4life there you will find my profile, and a link to my currently reading shelf… which should be self explanatory but if it’s not, you can find all of the books I’m currently reading on there. And I’ll cross post the reviews once I’m finished with the books. Alright that’s all I’ve got right now so get back to you later!!

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Filed under Miscelanious

New Songs!

So  I like this band called Evanescence, and they just came out with a new song! The song is called “What You Want” and it’s off of their new self titled CD that comes out on October 11th. The song can be found on iTunes, and you can listen to it for free on Evanescence’s website at http://www.evanescence.com you can also log in to the site with your wordpress account by using OpenID, what that does I’m not really sure but it’s there. I absolutely love this new song, and all of their other songs as well, so I can’t wait to get my hands on the cd. Too bad I don’t have enough money for it.

But if you do have enough money for it, I would recommend buying it. Or at least checking it out. Just think you may find that you have a new favorite band. I know that even after only listening to one song I was hooked but that was a couple of years ago. In other news I have currently started editting someone else’s story, and signed on for a peer editting project for a friend, and I am making slow progress on my current project. Which I good, but I’m going to have a very busy August and begining of September, especially because I also have to start my college essays.

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Filed under Editting, music, Web sites