Tag Archives: writing

Question: Short Stories and a Ko-Fi

Hello Everyone!

I know I very rarely post on this blog, so I don’t ever expect people to actually read or pay attention to it. But I have noticed that there have been some views on older posts that had previously contained links to prompted short stories, and short story contest entries that are no longer valid. So I wanted to see if anyone was interested in seeing those short stories posted somewhere else. At this point I’m not sure I want to post them in a fully sharable form. So I’ll probably just post them on Patreon or Ko-Fi, so here’s a poll to gather interest:

And here’s a link to any of the platforms you can follow me on: Boredom And Words. The first short story would probably be up and ready by next weekend, depending on the results of this poll.

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Filed under Updates, Writing

Project: NaNoWriMo 2019

It’s that time of year again everybody! The time where we stretch out our brains, max out our creativity, and eat our weight in Halloween candy or drink it in warm beverages. For this year, because I’ve been watching so many D&D campaigns I’m kind of playing with that sort of feeling. Right now it’s sort of switching between modern and fantasy type worlds. Maybe once I get a little further into it my brain will connect the two together. It also doesn’t really have any sort of structure at the moment. Normally, I have distinct chapter/character perspective set ups. But this time I just started writing in scenes.

This year is also different, not only because NaNoWriMo has changed their website, but also because I have switched up the way I do my NaNo tracking journal. For my journal I have taken something that Kerri Maniscalco had shared as her “How to Beat Writer’s Block” go-to. After every chapter, or every writing session she will write a quick summary of what she had done in a word document or outline so that she knew where she had left off. So I’ve started doing a day by day break down chart in a sketch book style bullet journal.

On the chart I write my word count goal for the day, the total project word count goal, and what NaNo says I need to write for the day to stay on track. At the end of the day I will write what I actually achieved for those statistics, and then I will write a quick summary of what I wrote that day broken down by scenes. Then at the beginning of the next day I will take a few minutes and plot out what my plans for the day are on a different page. that can contain summaries, descriptions, maps etc. So far I’ve found this to be very helpful in setting up my mind for the day ahead and remembering what happened in the days behind.

I personally use a sketchbook because it allows me to make the pages into what ever I want and gives me space to draw and make whatever I want it to be. Another thing I was very interested in trying out, but ultimately decided against it was The Rook and The Raven’s D&D journals, or Critical Role’s Cobalt Soul journal. Each had pre-planned pages for different things. I just liked the idea of being able to draw in my own boxes and heading spaces better than a pre-planned journal. If you would like to see what my journal looks like leave a comment or message me on the Facebook page (link in the About Me) and I’ll post pictures to the page.

Now let’s get into the new NaNoWriMo website. With every change there is always something unsettling that someone, if not everyone, is going to hate at first. For me that was the new Stats page. NaNoWriMo had updated their statistics page to make sure that you get a more real time, interactive, and informative writing experience. For the most part, this new page works and is TOTALLY awesome. But there are still some kinks to be worked out.

A while back I reviewed a writing site called Writely. This application website basically timed you when you wrote in a document that was in their app. It added the critiquing feature of Scribophile together with the timed writing style of any of those zen writing or Write or Die type websites and programs. The main problem with Writely was you had to write in their document for the timer to work and it COULD NOT be accessed through a phone very easily. Why am I bringing this up? Well, Writely would have been a very good tool for NaNoWriMo style word sprints if it had some of the features that NaNoWriMo already had and some of the bug fixes were actually worked out and now, NaNo seems to agree. So NaNo stepped up their game a little with their new site relauch.

For those who have spent time learning how to use it, the new site has some really cool and handy features. It’s much easier to communicate with your communities. It has notifications for when people have replied to you. And it forces people to request to be your buddy instead of just stalking someone’s pages and being a creep. It also added a timer feature. This will passively time your writing while making noise marking each time milestone you’ve reached. It still can’t be used on a phone browser, but for someone who writes using pen and paper usually, it is much better for timing your writing than an in browser word document.

This also allows NaNoWriMo to more accurately give you your writing statistics. Things like what time of day you write the most, how fast you’re writing and what type of mood you were in when you were writing. Because every time you add a writing session you have the option of inputting all of these details. It’s a fun new way to track your progress on the site and show your tiny community of writers how you’re doing.

Other things don’t quite work the way I had hoped they would. Things like the edit word count by day feature and the choose whatever word count over 50k feature are no longer available on the site. This is a little bit sad, as those were some of the features that I enjoyed on the old site. But I’m still excited to see the site grow and evolve as all of the growing pains and kinks are worked out.

And so, on that note, I will leave you for the day and wish you luck on Day 3 of NaNoWriMo.

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Filed under NaNoWriMo, Web sites, Writing

Review: Writely App

So there’s this new website that has been live for, a couple of months by now I believe, called Writely. It’s a subscription based website that encourages you to write everyday. It has a forum for sharing writing and other discussions, a points system to reward you for writing, and tutorial writings that teach you how to do different types of writing. A few people on the forum said they were very excited for the app to be released and couldn’t wait for it to launch. I hadn’t had that kind of anticipation for it so this will be more of a casual review of it.

I liked the idea of this app when I first signed up to beta it, but its functionality doesn’t live up to what I had hoped. Granted, it is still in beta so it may get better with other people and other feedback. The app isn’t a phone app so it’s hard to use when you don’t have access to a computer, which describes most of my day. It also makes it hard to actually achieve the word count I’d like to for the day because I can’t access the web app everywhere I go.

I think with a few adjustments or with the addition of a phone or desktop app this could be a really useful tool for most people. I also think that with the addition of features like Scribophile has the interactive features of the site could also help a lot of people with editing and such. Before anyone who uses Writely complains that neither of these are the point of Writely; I know. I know that the point of the app is to get as many words written and projects finished as possible. But finishing the project is only half the battle. If you’re actually going to do anything with it, besides have it sit and collect digital dust on a hard drive somewhere, you need to edit it and send it out.

So do I think it’s worth checking out the free trial and maybe using if you have a specific project you want to get accomplished in a certain amount of time? Yes. Do I think it is a program I will pay for over a long period of time? No. I think I will eventually find that it does not benefit me as much as it would need to for the amount that it costs.

Disclaimer 1: I have not been paid for this review. I do not get paid for anything I post.

Disclaimer 2: I do not edit any of my posts. They are all just stream of consciousness kind of things. So if they are worded poorly or if they have typos, that is why. Usually it is because my brain moves faster than my fingers and forms five different versions of the same sentence resulting in a combination of all of them. Sometimes it’s just that I’m tired and/or distracted by the other people who live in my house. The later is the case for this particular post.

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Filed under Web sites, Writing


So Camp NaNoWriMo just ended and as usual they have rolled out their winners perks. Unlike usual I actually qualified as a winner this time around (Woo!), and I’ve decided to check out the winners’ perks. One of the winners’ perks is 30% off a premium membership for a website called Scribophile.

Scribophile is a writer community for serious writers who want serious feedback. It’s not for the people who just post to get views, or post for the fun of it (although those are there too they are not the majority). This site has a contribute before benefits setup where you must help out other members with their writing before you can get enough karma points to post a work of your own. It’s really an ingenious system. It means you can’t take advantage of the community.

When you first sign up you are awarded two karma points. It then walks you through how to set up your profile and participate in the community. Once you’ve gone through the orientation you pretty much have free reign on the site. You can introduce yourself in the forums or jump right in and critique a work for someone. So far I’ve only tried out the critiquing and the scratchpad. I am particularly fond of the inline critique format where you can read the work and basically write in the margins, then post it for the author to see. It’s interesting because you get to see everyone’s work and help them and watch the piece evolve into something new. It’s very interesting and I would recommend checking it out.

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Filed under NaNoWriMo, Web sites, Writing

Happy NaNovember

It’s the first day of NaNoWriMo who’s novelling right now? I would be, except I have homework. I hope your first day of NaNovember has gone better.

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Filed under NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2013


I’m doing NaNo 2013 and I have a new stayclassy page to donate to! If you want of course. This will be the ONLY post I make about this I swear, I’m not going to be one of those annoying people who constantly asks for money. You don’t owe me anything. It would be awesome for the program if you would donate, but if you don’t well there are probably more important things to donate to or use the money for.


Your blogger person

Stay Classy

Nano profile

NaNo Excerpts

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Filed under NaNoWriMo, Writing

Writing Prompts

Okay so, I posted something about this on my writing blog but I figured I should post this here too. I’m super bored and would love writing prompts because the site I used to get mine from has been sort of lax with the prompt up keep. So if you can think of any prompts that would be fun or interesting it’d be cool if you submitted them to my Ask Box. The Ask Box can be found here.

If you wanna see the result of the prompt they’ll be posted here or here. Thanks! I’ll be around, probably posting a book review or two soon.

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Filed under Web sites, Writing

Writing Blog

Okay so I have been posting links to a few of my stories on figment and other things. Some people have actually been clicking on the links and reading them? I think? But I’ve been double posting them on here and on my tumblog, so if you want to get more of that, I will probably post more writing on my writing tumblog as opposed to on here. So:

My Figment: My Profile

My writing blog: Tessa’s Escape (this is named after a character of mine since it used to be an original character roleplaying blog. But it changed to a writing blog).

Those two places are the main two places where you will find my writing, and if you want to read more please go there because I might not always double post. The tumblog has fanfiction, figment stories, nanowrimo excerpts, and the ability to give me prompts and request stories on it through my ask. The figment will just have contest entries and any other piece of writing I feel like sharing with the public. This way, if you want to read more of anything you can contact me through the comments and my ask and not on here. (But you can also comment on the posts on here if you like).

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Filed under Editing (because I couldn't spell the first time), Rewriting, Updates, Web sites, Writing


So there is a contest on Figment.com and I decided to enter it because I really loved the prizes and the prompt. So I put an entry up on the site and I just thought I’d put it on here so people knew what I was doing instead of the countless reviews that I should be doing (for which I apologize, I’ve been distracted by many other things). Anyway here is the link, please go read it, and comment or react to it giving feedback, I’ll edit it after the contest has ended like I normally do. But I can’t edit it now because it would be against the rules.


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Filed under Editing (because I couldn't spell the first time), Rewriting, Writing

Count Down to NaNo

There are 5 hours until NaNoWriMo 2012 and I’m stuck doing physics homework. But that’s okay. I know I say this every time I do it, but I love NaNoWriMo. It’s totally awesome and insanely fun! If you don’t believe me you should try it! This is run by a non-profit organization, which runs solely on donations. So each year they ask for people to fundraise so that they can fund all of their other programs and programs for children. This year, for sponsorships they have a website where you can sign up for a funding page and have people donate to the organization.

I have a funding page, where you can sponsor me, and hopefully keep me going until I finish the 50k. Amy’s NaNo Funds The link there is to my funding page. I’ll also put a widget underneath this post so that you can donate there. The donations are tax-deductable, and can be made at my page, the NaNoWriMo site, or at the OLL Store where you can buy merchandise and still donate.


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Filed under Books!, Charity, Nerdfighteria, Web sites, Writing